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  • F.A.Q: Conditions & Ailments

    Conditions that can often be helped by the use of digestive enzymes

    4. Celiac Disease, Celiac Sprue, Gluten Intolerance - Top

    All of the above disorders are caused by the inability of the body to break down, properly absorb, or a sensitivity to what the body considers an invader to the system. The invader is usually the wheat protein gluten. Each of these are also very closely related and may, in fact, be interchanged in diagnosis. Because of this, one may become confused with the terminology.

    It is important for you to understand that these debilitating disorders of the intestinal tract have existed for centuries. The names vary but the symptoms remain very similar i.e. diarrhea, cramps, excess mucus, blood loss, severe constipation, loss of weight, excess gas, etc. In celiac type cases intestinal dysfunction prevents the normal regulatory process from occurring in the intestinal tract. As quoted in the book * Breaking the Vicious Cycle by Elaine Gottschall, We must never forget that what the patient takes beyond his power to digest does harm. She concludes we must be sure that every food taken in is given help to be digested properly. This is a logical conclusion considering the villi, with their battery of enzymes, is the last place carbohydrate digestion takes place. Only the carbohydrates that have been properly processed by an enzymatic reaction can be passed on into the bloodstream as nutrients. Although she is particularly concerned with carbohydrates, as she stated all foods must be properly digested. Our answer is OxiCellZyme, a blend of a multitude of necessary enzymes to break down not only the carbohydrates, but to assist in digestion of all food groups.

    Undigested food will eventually damage the delicate villi on the intestinal wall. The body responds by producing mucus to coat and protect the lining from further damage. However, this protection creates a barrier between the undigested disaccharides ( a two sugar base such as table sugar, lactose, maltose) and other food particles from making contact with the enzymes needed to finish the final stages of digestion. The precious bacterial balance of the intestinal tract becomes compromised and then we are open to all of the symptoms above. The bacterial balance is of dire importance to the health of the whole. Undigested foods cause an over growth of harmful bacteria. The enzymes of the villi are destroyed by an overabundance of a microbial growth which leads to injury of the intestinal surface. Irritating or toxic substances produced by yeast, bacteria, or parasites which have invaded the small intestinal tract can cause damage. Therefore, we strongly suggest Plantadophilus which brings pH balance back to the intestinal tract preventing the growth of harmful bacteria in the intestine. With the balance of the intestinal tract being so critical, Plantadophilus is a necessary supplement at any time.

    With all of this stress on the GI tract and the body s compromised state of health, toxins have been able to pass through to the blood stream. Therefore, PureZyme becomes an important part of the recuperative process to rid the body of these invaders of the system. In our endeavors to correct these imbalances, our suggestions will not vary much. Most of the variation will occur only because of the severity of the condition.


    CELIAC DISEASE (also known as celiac sprue, nontropical sprue, gluten enteropathy) is defined as an inherited disorder in which an allergic intolerance to most likely a gluten, a protein, causes changes in the intestine that result in malabsorption.

    It is estimated that about 1 in 300 people in Southwestern Ireland and 1 in 5,000 or more in North America have celiac disease. This hereditary disorder is caused by the sensitivity to gluten, a protein found in wheat and rye and to a lesser degree in barley and oats. In this disorder, part of the gluten molecule combines with antibodies in the small intestine, causing the normal brushlike lining (villi) of the intestine to flatten. The resulting smooth surface is much less able to digest and absorb foods. When foods containing gluten are avoided, this surface can restore, and then normal intestinal function can return.

    It can begin at any age. Children may even be diagnosed with just an upset stomach and there may be no major changes or occurrences with their bowels. Some children can stop growing normally, develop painful abdominal bloating, and pass foul-smelling, bulky stools. If the protein level drops low enough, a child could develop edema because of tissue swelling. Nutritional deficiencies may also develop. These symptoms may include weight loss, bone pain, and a pins-and needles- sensation in the arms and legs. Depending on the severity and duration of the disorder, the person may have low blood levels of protein, calcium, potassium or sodium.

    Gluten is so widely used in food products that it can be very difficult to avoid. For instance, you can find it in soups, sauces, ice creams and even hot dogs.

    SPRUE (see celiac disease)
    The symptoms are the same as in celiac disease- loss of appetite, weight loss, megaloblastic anemia (caused by deficiency of folic acid and vitamin B12), an inflamed mouth, sore tongue, and greasy diarrhea. Very often folic acid, Vit B12, and other vitamins and minerals are suggested as treatment.

    TROPICAL SPRUE occurs chiefly in the Caribbean, Southern India, and Southeast Asia. Both natives and newcomers can be affected. Although the cause is unknown, possible causes include bacterial infection, viral infection, parasitic infection, vitamin deficiency, and a toxin spoiled foods.

    Doctors consider a diagnosis of tropical sprue in anyone with anemia and symptoms of malabsorption who lives in or has lived in one of the endemic areas. The typical course of action in antibiotics. Nutritional supplements are also strongly suggested, especially folic acid.

    Gluten is one of the proteins of wheat and certain other grains (stated above) that gives dough its tough, elastic character. Hopefully if the terminology intolerance is used, the disorder has been caught early enough so that it has not developed into the drastic stages causing damage to the intestinal tract.


    Enzymes are responsible for digesting, absorbing, transporting, metabolizing of nutrients and eliminating the wastes in our body. Every organ, every tissue and all the 100 trillion cells in our body depends upon the reaction of enzymes and their energy factor for life. Our enzyme potential is contingent upon our own unique DNA. Therefore, some of us could come into this world enzyme deficient. Those deficiencies can show up as allergies because of the inability to break down particular substances to properly utilize them and eliminate them from our system. Nutrients are absorbed when the digestive enzymes break down the food we eat. Later, they are transported by enzymes into our blood stream and ultimately to our cells. Enzyme supplements taken with food begins pre-digestion of that food in the cardiac part of the stomach. Research has shown supplemental enzymes taken with food and interacting with enzymes in the digestive tract facilitates energy release from the ingested food. These enzymes increase the nutritive value of the food, and also help to break down the food with enzymes your body may be lacking. We also take supplemental enzymes to enhance the immune response. Knowing that all chemical reactions in the body require an enzymatic reaction to occur, and knowing our enzymes are polymorphic (capable of being utilized where they are needed), taking enzymes on an empty stomach allows them to be absorbed and used for other vital functions in the body.

    Please note that if vitamins and minerals are suggested, they need enzymes to work. Therefore, additional enzyme supplementation may be necessary to assist the body to utilize them correctly.

    For celiac sprue, we first eliminate, as much as possible, any gluten substances from the diet. Next we need to take a digestive enzyme [ OxiCellZyme] supplementally. We need to take a strong protease enzyme [ PureZyme] between meals to break down protein invaders and support the health of our immune system. We need to take a probiotic [ Plantadophilus] product to insure the bacteria balance in the colon. An herbal and enzyme product [ GastroZyme] to repair the mucosal lining of the intestinal tract and soothe the gastrointestinal discomfort that occurs. It may also be necessary to take a phyto-chemical (strong nutrient), and enzymatic product [RepairZyme] to rebuild the damaged tissues.

    This type of imbalance in the GI tract did not occur overnight and it will take several weeks to heal the intestinal tract. Patience, control of stress, and perseverance with diet modifications will be your allies.

    NOTE: The following suggestions are based on the clinical experience gathered from the Enzyme Therapy Clinic, operated by Transformation Enzyme Corp. in Houston Texas and from other clinical observations Transformation Enzyme Corp. has compiled from its associated health care practitioners who utilize enzyme therapy as part of their treatment regimens. Both Transformation Enzyme Corp. and Enzyme Essentials, LLC do not purport to diagnose disease nor do we have, or claim to have, knowledge of your medical history or your current medical condition. Therefore, we don't know, nor claim to know, if the digestive enzymes discussed here are applicable or appropriate to your current situation. We recommend that you seek the care and advice of a health care professional and that the information provided here be shared with that health care professional should you decide to act on any of this information.


    ENZYME: . PureZyme
    DOSAGE: 4 capsules, 3 times a day on an empty stomach
    EXPLANATION: Breaks down invaders in the blood supply leaving them vulnerable to destruction by the immune system thereby controlling bacteria, and inflammation.

    ENZYME: . OxiCellZyme
    DOSAGE: 4 capsules with every meal [take 2 before and 2 during or immediately after] between meals].
    EXPLANATION: Provides general digestive support; helps ensure complete digestion; contains high levels of protease to help break down excess protein; contains all of the essential nutrients to help ensure complete metabolic function.

    ENZYME: . GastroZyme
    DOSAGE: 2-4 capsules with every meal [take 1-2 before and 1-2 after]; also take 2-3 capsules each time you take your 4 PureZyme [i.e. a total of 6-9 per day between meals].
    EXPLANATION: Helps repair the mucosal lining of the intestinal tract and soothe the gastrointestinal discomfort that occurs.
    MONTHLY REQUIREMENT: 4-6 bottles [Start with 6 and then taper off in about a month or as you begin to feel it is OK to do so. You may level off at 1-2 bottles per month.]

    ENZYME: Plantadophilus
    DOSAGE: 3 capsules at bedtime
    EXPLANATION: Helps in controlling the pH balance in the intestinal tract preventing the growth of harmful bacteria, thereby acting as natural antibiotic.

    ENZYME: RepairZyme
    DOSAGE: 1 capsule 3 time per day between meals [Take at same time you take PureZyme]
    EXPLANATION: Helps rebuild the damaged tissues

    You may take the GastroZyme at any time you are feeling discomfort or after bouts of diarrhea. You may begin to eliminate the GastroZyme as you begin to feel better (after about 6 weeks).

    Increase the Plantadophilus to 2 in the morning if you continue to have diarrhea or explosive bowels.

    RepairZyme may be decreased to 3 if you are seeing improvement after a month and may be taken at anytime of the day.

    Contact your health care provider after 3 to 4 weeks or with any questions you may have.

    NOTE: Should you adopt this regimen, you will enjoy substantial discounts if you first join the E-Club and select the Enhanced E-Club Nutrition System. Once you are a member, then you can add the additional products not already included in the Enhanced E-Club Nutrition System at reduced member prices. As a member you can then easily modify and downgrade your monthly order to coincide with your reduced needs as required.

    Copyright 2000

    Property of Transformation Enzyme, Corp.and Enzyme Essentials, LLC All Rights Reserved.

    This Information is provided by Enzyme Essentials, LLC.

    To get a comprehensive, yet layman's, explanation of how the lack of adequate digestive enzymes affect your health, wellness, and longevity, take The Digestive Enzyme Tour.

    For a review of high activity, pharmaceutical quality, pH balanced, enzymes, see:
    Enzyme Profiles From Enzyme Essentials.

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    - Updated: February 21, 2000

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