Enzyme Questions and Answers




Q58-Can you summarize how enzymes may help improve our health?

The following are ways in which enzymes may help improve our health:

  • Purifies our blood.  It is a known fact that fungal forms, parasites and bacteria are made up of protein.  Viruses also have a protein coating as a shell that protect them.  The enzyme protease breaks down proteins, and since the invaders of our blood system are protein, it makes sense that ingesting protease could break down the protein invaders.
  • Strengthens our immune system.  Enzymes have been found to deliver our nutrients to our cells, carry away toxic debris, digest our food, purify our blood, deliver hormones by feeding and fortifying our endocrine system, and balance our cholesterol and triglycerides levels while doing no harm to our body.
  • Breaks down our fats.  Research has shown that the enzyme lipase breaks down and digests fat.  This takes stress off our gallbladder, liver and pancreas.  This will enhance weight loss.
  • Enzymes lower our cholesterol and triglycerides levels.  Cholesterol and triglycerides are fats that circulate in our blood stream.  The enzyme lipase will control the release of these fats which could protect us from certain forms of heart disease like atherosclerosis.
  • Enzymes enhance our mental capacity.  Our body uses glucose called from the liver to feed and fortify the hypothalamus.  Glucose is made from the protein stored in our liver.  Most plant foods contain protein enzymes.  Our blood cells carry oxygen to the brain and along with glucose feed the brain cells.  When there is a dysfunction with this mechanism, we become fatigued and are unable to think clearly.  The hypothalamus directs our endocrine system and is responsible for our water balance, body temperature, appetite and emotions.
  • Enzymes cleanse our colon.  Foods that are not digested properly are stored in our colon where digestive problems can begin.  Some researchers estimate that nearly 70% of all illness starts in our colon.  Undigested proteins putrefy, carbohydrates ferment, and fats turn rancid in our colon.  Enzymes will break down our foods properly and keep our colon free of these toxins.  In fact, it is recommended by many researchers that it is healthy to have at least two bowel movements per day.
  • Enzymes help us sleep.  Enzymes enhance our endocrine glands.  The undernourished endocrine system may create malfunction in our hormonal system which can upset our nervous system and sleep patterns.  When we are unable to digest our food or deliver the nutrients to keep our endocrine and nervous system in balance, we cannot rebuild our life-style or energy level.
  • Enzymes help us shed excess weight and fat.  Many over-weight people already have, or are creating, a metabolic imbalance.  Remember, our endocrine system regulates our metabolism.  Once we are able to fortify the endocrine system, to have our bowels working regularly and to digest our food rather than turning it into fat, we have a successful combination.  Enzymes, especially lipase, will break down our fats properly, which will help us burn fat, thus promoting weight loss.
  • Improves aging skin.  An adequate supply of enzymes are absolutely essential for keeping the skin young-looking and healthy. Enzymes fight the aging process by increasing blood supply to the skin, bringing with it life-giving nutrients and carrying away waste products that can make your skin look dull and wrinkled.  Our circulation slows down as we get older.  To counteract this, we need to consume more enzymes.
  • Maintains proper pH balance in our GI-tract.  Friendly flora such as L. acidophilus and bifidobacterium were important to the intestinal tract for maintaining proper pH and also for controlling the population of potential pathogenic organisms like clostridium and candida.  Plant flora enzymes have now been proven to be far more effective in the pathogen control role of beneficial bacteria.  Another role of beneficial bacteria is the actual synthesis of highly favorable natural chemicals in the colon through the fermentation process.  These fermentative products include such molecular species as natural antibiotics and more importantly, digestive enzymes.  These enzymes can play an extremely important role in the digestion of otherwise incompletely digested food substances, especially proteins.
  • Enzymes maintain proper pH balance in the urine.  Research has shown that a balance of the plant enzymes (lipase, protease, and amylase) eaten by individuals produce a proper urine pH of 6.3 to 6.6 in 24 hour urinalysis. Maintaining this balance is crucial. If the pH of your urine becomes too alkaline, bacteria will grow and this can damage your kidneys.