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  • F.A.Q: Digestive Enzyme Questions

    General questions relating to the application and use of supplemental digestive enzymes

    11. I have heard athletes need more enzymes than people who don't exercise. But, doesn't exercise enhance the enzyme activity in the muscle? Wouldn't athletes need less because of this enhanced metabolism of carbohydrate, fat & protein for energy? - Top

    You are certainly correct that exercise enhances metabolic activity which in turn stimulates enzyme activity. The important distinction here, however, is the TYPE of enzymes we are speaking about. The enzyme supplementation we dealing with here are ORAL DIGESTIVE ENZYMES TYPE which are useful to ensure optimal and efficient digestion of our food (carbohydrates, fat, and protein) which are converted respectively to glucose, fatty acids, and amino acids. Adequate availability of these nutrients in their proper form in the body allows the body to operate efficiently. Athletes and those who engage in extreme physical labor and/or exercise need and use more nutrients — nutrients which need to be continually replaced. It is important that the process of replacement be as efficient and streamlined as possible. Digestive enzymes, in sufficient quantities are needed to process and digest our food in order for the replacement process to occur. These digestive enzymes must be available endogenously (internally) or be supplemented exogenously (externally). Exercise, for the reason mentioned above, stimulates enzyme activity, in the muscle, thus causing depletion of these "muscle-related" enzymes which need to be replaced. Their replacement occurs from having an adequate supply of energy glucose, and fatty acids (for energy) and amino acids (proteins). So as you see we are speaking about different TYPES of enzymes, but they are interdependent.

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    Property of Transformation Enzyme, Corp.and Enzyme Essentials, LLC All Rights Reserved.

    This Information is provided by Enzyme Essentials, LLC.

    To get a comprehensive, yet layman's, explanation of how the lack of adequate digestive enzymes affect your health, wellness, and longevity, take The Digestive Enzyme Tour.

    For a review of high activity, pharmaceutical quality, pH balanced, enzymes, see:
    Enzyme Profiles From Enzyme Essentials.

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    - Updated: February 21, 2000

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